
By tp2014 - This FML is from back in 2013 but it's good stuff - United States - Jesup

Today, I was looking for a job. I was so desperate for gas money to drive around town that I had to steal $20 from my sister. She's only 10 years old. FML
I agree, your life sucks 40 840
You deserved it 23 445

Same thing different taste

Top comments

ashleyjade12 9

I hope you plan on paying her back.

XBurytheCastleX 25


That... is just evil. But at least you didn't steal it to buy drugs. Right?

kellyem2 20

Yeah, you totally couldn't just ask or anything. YDI

harmtouch16 11

You're a LOSER! Ever heard of WALKING?!?! WTF! Be a real man! If my husband was out of gas and needed a job he would WALK around town. Shame on you.

rhcpgurl 18

Thats pretty eff-ed up that you wouldn't help out your own husband if he needed to find a job. I mean he helps you with the rent/food/utilities right? I dont agree with what OP did you don't have a valid argument either. Also I dont know where OP lives, but you can walk around in small towns. In large cities you wont find avaliable jobs blocks away from each other you need to drive because they are far.

Walking is not always a viable option for most people in bigger towns or cities. What if OP is looking to get a job in a certain profession? That would also limit his options. Not everyone lives within a 20-30 minute walking distance of several big shopping centers or malls. My usual 10 minute drive to work would take at least an hour to walk there if not a little longer. I'm not saying what OP did was okay, it's not. But it's also ridiculous to tell OP to walk everywhere to look for a job. Taking the bus would be a much better option. Besides, it's tiring enough to look for a job without having to walk absolutely everywhere you go.

My mother steals money from me. She's been doing it since I was 9 (which was when I started doing jobs for neighbors).