DMV blues

By HellisLikeTheDMV - 13/07/2012 15:19 - United States - Colorado Springs

Today, I finally went to the DMV to replace my lost license. After waiting for almost two hours, I casually rummaged through my purse. Something strange inside the lining caught my eye. It was my license. FML
I agree, your life sucks 10 694
You deserved it 27 294

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I would think that's the first place you check?

Even though I'm not suppose to, I have an extra copy of my driver's license. I keep it in my car's glove box incase I forget my purse at home. It's come in handy.


Wow... I thought looking everywhere in your purse first would've been a better option no offence

Faye2210 9

You know you could have just ordered a new license online. That's what I did and it cost like $15 but then some kid at school found my old one and now I have two.