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Don't let me be misunderstood

By Anonymous - 30/12/2022 03:00

Today, I was driving when this guy aggressively rode my tail and crossed over the yellow line to pass. He reached the stop light before I did, and I slowly pulled beside him and started clapping for this lunatic driver. He rolled down the window and said, "My daughter is in the hospital. How do I get there?" FML
I agree, your life sucks 391
You deserved it 1 086

Same thing different taste

Top comments

"Keep driving that way. You'll get there pretty quickly." Yeah, I know the guy is worried about his kid, but dangerous driving won't help anyone.

"Is she recovering from a road rage injury because you taught her how to drive like an asshole?"


"Keep driving that way. You'll get there pretty quickly." Yeah, I know the guy is worried about his kid, but dangerous driving won't help anyone.

tiptoppc 19

Something like that happened in my city. They ended up hitting a kid and killing them just flooring it and blowing through red lights. Their son was going via ambulance with only a broken leg. Now is mom is in jail for 20 for negligent vehicular homicide. What this guy did was stupid. He can’t do anything to help her, as the daughter is likely in an ambulance and already has the right of way. The father does not. Unless daughter was in his care and in serious danger and he was taking her personally with the likelyhood she could die, aggressive driving is only going to compound his problems.

"Is she recovering from a road rage injury because you taught her how to drive like an asshole?"

You answer "you drive carefully or you may be joining her"

definitely what you say when you're being an asshole and been caught lmao