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Everyone's a critic

By not_dead_yet - 28/06/2009 07:54 - United States

Today, it was my first big time art show. To celebrate I went out to lunch with some people whose work was also there. When we got back, police were everywhere. Someone had broken in and stolen all of the art. All except mine. Even burglars don't want my art. FML
I agree, your life sucks 49 794
You deserved it 5 308

Same thing different taste

Top comments

mister_moops 0

"today, my stuff wasn't stolen. FML"

Seriously? You're lucky your hard work didn't get stolen so quit whining. For all you know, the burglars didn't take your art because by the time they reached yours, the alarm went off and they had to make a run for it, not because your art wasn't good.


ragas 0
lmmmr 0

It doesn't mean it was "suckish." Have some common sense. Do you think thieves take art to decorate their livingroom? No, they take it for the resale value. As a new artist, you would have none of that. It says nothing about the quality of your work.

easylazy 0

Hahah this is funny But it's okay cuz you have the whole gallary to yourself, and you didn't get your art stolen so that's not a bad thing really Glass half full

#26 speaks the truth, OP. And you should feel glad your art is still there. Oh, and for all the retards commenting here, the OP got his art into an ARTSHOW. That means he's pretty damn good! So stop calling him a bad artist!

MrGlad 0

That's what I was thinking...but if he got accepted into a show then...he had good art? Right? So I really don't undertstand how this was a FML. You had good art, that wasn't stolen...

Loser390 0

Did anyone else notice that it says "police WHERE every where"? I swear some people are just plain stupid. Yes?

Maybe they didn't OP's art was because it was too pretty. Eh? Eh?

Seriously? You're lucky your hard work didn't get stolen so quit whining. For all you know, the burglars didn't take your art because by the time they reached yours, the alarm went off and they had to make a run for it, not because your art wasn't good.

spiffles 0

I agree. OP: stop your damn whining!! Your irreplaceable art wasn't stolen, and everyone else's was! You're whining because you didn't lose years' worth of hard work?? You don't deserve to call yourself an artist if you're offended that law-breaking art thieves didn't take your stuff. Get over yourself.

I somewhat agree. Dude, you should be happy that your art wasnt stollen. You should be happy you have the artistic talent to get in to an art show! I fail to see the down side.

black4wolf 0


Well if your art is bad, at least you won't have to show it to a lot of people.

mister_moops 0

"today, my stuff wasn't stolen. FML"

I actually laughed really hard because of this.

Get better at your art then and make shit that's actually buyable that people like.

FDXCpinballwiz 0

FYL??? Now your art piece is the main attraction of the show...since it is well...the only piece. Oh well

CouchPotato47 0

Some of these FMLs havent been producing the same result that they used to...I might start switching over to or

Good, just leave if you think the site sucks so much. you won't be missed.

CouchPotato47 0

Where in my post did I say it sucks so much?? I was just restating what other posters have said before and have said after me, that this is not an why dont you GTFO

popcorncomics 0

Are you sure the burglar didn't have enough time to reach it? =/ As one artist to another, just keep practicing. The more important thing is whether or not you like it and with an attitude like that, who would want to look at it?

elmyra_duff 0

Can you please learn how to write in English? If an 'artist' doesn't know the difference between where-were, who's-whose, then I doubt the success in art.