Don't look back

By thecasbah - 06/10/2010 13:58 - Norway

Today, I quit my job as a barista for one of our competitors with a couple of bucks more an hour. Two hours after I'd handed in my resignation, my boss approached me just to let me know that if I hadn't resigned, I would've been offered my own café. FML
I agree, your life sucks 19 383
You deserved it 34 514

Same thing different taste

Top comments

inglouriousbitch 0

He was probably lying about the cafe just because you quit you know...

NoFackYourLife 0

Sounds like bluff to me... if you were really getting your own cafe, they would have used that as a bargaining point in keeping you on.


chobitschibi1369 0

Also, if your ex boss was lying, then do not let it get to you. I believe in following your heart. I say you deserve it though because, to me, it sounds like you were doing fine financially already. Most people quit jobs for not liking the work place. Which is stupid. Those who quit for better pay, power to you for taking care of yourself and/or your family.

Don't believe the hype, yo. People say that shot all the time when someone resigns.

What was the point of even telling you this? Just to make you feel like crap? What a dick move. You're trying to make your life better; it's a shame he couldn't have spoke up and helped you in the first place rather than bring you down...

califormula 0

Bullshit. Your former boss was lying.

It sounds exaggerated, but that happens. It's always a good idea to let current employers know about an offer elsewhere before signing - they may give you a raise or a promotion if they want to keep you. Sometimes an offer is worth even more as a bargaining chip than as an actual alternative. (Allegedly, there are also assholes who will fire people for not being "loyal", but those are employers to stay the hell away from anyway.)

im pretty sure your exboss is full of shit and is trying to guilt trip you for quitting. its obviously working

Norrec86 7

I wanna know why this got so many ydi

He was probably lying to you to make you feel guilty for switching