Don't look back

By thecasbah - 06/10/2010 13:58 - Norway

Today, I quit my job as a barista for one of our competitors with a couple of bucks more an hour. Two hours after I'd handed in my resignation, my boss approached me just to let me know that if I hadn't resigned, I would've been offered my own café. FML
I agree, your life sucks 19 383
You deserved it 34 514

Same thing different taste

Top comments

inglouriousbitch 0

He was probably lying about the cafe just because you quit you know...

NoFackYourLife 0

Sounds like bluff to me... if you were really getting your own cafe, they would have used that as a bargaining point in keeping you on.


YDI for working in a coffee shop, for job hunting, for not being satisfied with your current job, for even having a job at all, for being gullible enough to fall for your ex-boss' guilt trip bullshit, and for taking your username from a Clash song.

teedoe 0

If he was serious or a smart business man he would offer you that job to keep you on as an employee. Good help is hard to find. He is probably full of sh!t.

chimneysweep7 0

He's probably lying as he can't spell barrister properly......

He's a coffee server (barista), not an attorney (barrister)

I have to admit.. I couldn't work out why a barrister would get a cafe.

How can I "Favourite" a reply - this one cracked me up ;/

sallen0046 4

You deserve it for job hopping without even talking to your boss about a raise or your future with the company. I wouldn't have tried to keep you and give you a promotion under those circumstances either. If you're willing to leave without discussion over a few bucks, you're not a responsible or dependable enough employee to run your own branch.

You'd be what's called a "bad boss". You'd let a well trained employee who's been with your company for years leave? Anyone would leave when their STARTING pay is more. Then the company that thinks they are ready for their own store.

YDI to hell!!! always wait for an opportunity at your current job unless your getting shit from people then switch to a new job if you can...stupid shot economy...

SpookyDeeCat 0

This is NOT a YDI. I had a friend who worked with the person who was nearly a slave driver. When she finally got the guts to quit, this boss started to promise so much more. It just goes to show that you are, and were, a good employee.

ah well at the end you still have something better then you used to have rite?

sammiewashere 0

your old boss was just saying that to make you feel shity.