Don't mind me

By Anonymous - 16/04/2012 12:38 - United States - West Palm Beach

Today, I watched as my neighbor walked to my front lawn, looked me right in the eye, and pissed on my mailbox. FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 009
You deserved it 3 394

Same thing different taste

Top comments

zingline89 18
mduffy08 8


Well you live in a friendly neighborhood

This reminds me of Riley. "IF R. KELLY GOES TO JAIL, I'LL PISS ON YO' CAT!"

argybargy 3

OP: pleeeeeease tell me you kicked him in the junk before he had a chance to zip up. No jury in the world would convict you.

marisadc79 0

Um hello, call the police or beat their ass down but do something

Sounds like something my friend josh would do xD

E001mek 5

return the favor and shit on his car

Why did they do that? Lol did you do something to them?

It's a crime, and his piss contains his DNA. You've got everything you need to prove his guilt. Off to court with you!