Don't mind me

By evelynn - 20/05/2010 06:25 - France

Today, the guy I'm seeing and I were having sex. While I was having my orgasm, he looked at me and said "SHHHH!". FML
I agree, your life sucks 40 156
You deserved it 8 181

Same thing different taste

Top comments

you're getting laid, and had an ******... and this bad because...?


maybe you sound like a dying animal when you ******. I know I wouldn't find that attractive.

aznpopgrl02 0

agree with least he was thinking bout the ppl whose living with him or next to him..I probably wouldn't want to hear someone whose living with/next to me having sex and hearing one of them or both ******..

pandamaddox 0

"sshhhhhh. you'll scare the people in my head."

28s comment made me laugh . it's what women do, we whinge

Maybe he wouldn't have to shush you if you didn't cry out "BAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA".

Hmmm why is this an fml?? if i were a girl and this happened i would whine an go to fml in hopes of it getting posted. WHO IN SAM HELL MODERATES THESE THINGS ANYWAY!

i meant wouldnt... i wouldnt go whine to fml.. god iphones r hard as hell to type on. i dislike you with great passion anti flood protection