Dose me up!

By Anonymous - 28/01/2013 21:18 - United States - Fayette

Today, I had to have major oral surgery. Needless to say I am in need of some heavy pain medication. My pharmacist insists that my surgeon never called in my medicine, and my surgeon insists otherwise. This has been going back and forth for hours. FML
I agree, your life sucks 32 284
You deserved it 2 166

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Well then you missed the part where someone had been going "back and forth for hours"


I work in a drug store and sorry to say this happens all the time.

Ouch, why didn't you bring a copy of the prescription? I always bring an extra one just in case. Sorry OP

Perhaps I am just biased and tired of this subject now, but my best friend's girlfriend has been complaining about how she had "major oral surgery" and about how much pain she's in. She had her wisdom teeth cut out a month ago... I went to a party (without taking the medication) an hour after having mine removed. Get over it...

Well, thank God! I guess you are clearly the defining voice on the subject of other peoples' pain. Thank you for trying to use another person's bad situation to elevate yourself to manliness nirvana. Nevermind that other people may have different levels of pain tolerance, clearly this inconvenienced person needs to get over their afflictions. Thank you, kind citizen, for showing us the light.

So get a written prescription and then it will be settled. Good luck.

where do you live? most places require electronic or paper for pain meds

When I got my wisdom teeth removed I was prescribed pain meds but my dentist also suggested I try two tylenols and two advils, together, as that seemed to help with the pain without heavy medication. Needless to say I never had to get my prescription. You can try that if you haven't gotten it all figured out yet!

bimbim_fml 6

heh, In my case eating ice cream (as advised by the surgeon) helped most of the time. Only 1-2 times per day ibuprofen was enough.

Watch out excessive Tylenol intake may lead to liver damage and other niceties. Read the label!

I don't think having wisdom teeth pulled is the same as 'major oral surgery.' OP probably does need these pain meds really badly.

Hiimhaileypotter 52

#80, I don't know. It is pretty involved so it could be a major surgery, I think. There's the risk of all sorts of complications after, too. I had 7 wisdom teeth and thankfully I never had dry sockets or anything like that, but the pain was horrible even without complications.

thrAsHeRr9081 16

Do you people not know how the relationship between a doctor and a pharmacy works? These comments are beyond rude to both sides. I happens to work in a pharmacy, and the worst part is having to deal with assholes like you.

Not all of us work in a pharmacy. Also, it's assholes like you who make it difficult to fill our non habit forming narcotic every single day...

A) all narcotics are habit-forming to some extent, some are just more addictive or easier to abuse than others. That's why morphine or oxycodone have stronger regulations than hydrocodone. B) Pharmacies make it "hard" to get your narcotics because they are controlled substances and both your state and federal government regulate the shit out of them. Is it frustrating when you can't get your script when you want it? Yes. However, if the pharmacist isn't giving you them, its because they'd break the law to do so.

I'll bet you're the type of person that's told the techs at your pharmacy, "Just slap a label on it!" when the wait time they tell you pisses you off. Here, let me just push all these other people aside because you're obviously more important than they are. Whether you realize it or not, chain pharmacy employees are stressed by the companies they work for, the governing boards making visits, the doctor's offices who "forget" to send rx's in, the copays set by insurance companies, and asshole patients who seem to think they are the only priority that day. Next time you go to get your "non habit-forming" medication, try having a little understanding about the limitations we face and overcome on a daily basis and I'll bet you get a little faster service.

thrAsHeRr9081 16

She says boyfriend with a name like Mrs. Hmm suspect.

As someone who works in pharmacy, I'm really sorry this happened to you. It sounds like there is some sort of miscommunication between the surgeon and pharmacist, and unfortunately sometimes egos get in the way of patient care. Hydrocodone should be able to be called in, but anything stronger needs a hardcopy (at least in my state)...but they would have told you that. I hope by this time it was figured out.

Only narcotics that I can call in is hydro or t3.....oxy and above u need written script with my signature.