Dropped the ball

By TrueStories - 13/04/2009 06:11 - United States

Today, I went to a football sleepover with all of my teammates. I felt something near the bottom of my sleeping bag, and I pulled it up with my foot. My entire team watched me pull out a red thong. My parents had been on a camping trip the week before. FML
I agree, your life sucks 70 306
You deserved it 4 139

Same thing different taste

Top comments

boomBOOMshake 0

You should have just played it off as the thong being from a girl who you had sex with, obvious thing to do in that awkward situation.

Yeah.. but for all they know it's from the girl that you nailed the other night. They have no idea it's your parent's unless you told them.


spidergirl41 0

Umm, unless you're gay, ya could have just yelled "score!" And a football sleepover? Geez, maybe you ARE gay. wtf?

breenarae25 0

tell them it's ur girlfriends duhh ;)

wafflerampage 0
karakay 0

Dude just play it cool and be all *nodding*"that's right bitches... "

BananaMan844 4

What's sex like while camping? It's in-tents!

rupertajm90 15

you could just play it off as a remnant from your last sexual conquest