Dude, you OK?

By Anonymous - 30/04/2012 00:23 - United States

Today, I was so insecure, I got scared of what people might think of my fingers. FML
I agree, your life sucks 22 671
You deserved it 6 044

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I think your comment may have been cut sho

Psychologist? Psychiatrist? Psyduck? We will never know.


LG1043 0

Your Scared Of People Looking At Your Fingers Im Known As The "Wierd Fingered Guy" Because My Hands Are Double jointed

LG1043 0

Well your insecurity might be superficial.. Mine is a Stunning Reality I Just Realized Amoung My Peers Im Know As The "Wierd Handed Guy" Due To My Fingers Being Double Jointed

Was It Really Necessary To Capitalize Everything? Your First Sentence Started Out Normal. So Why Didn't The Rest Of Them?

You're insecure don't know what for youre turning heads when you walk through the door hahaha I had to do it even though I'm going to get eaten for it :p

Unless your megan fox dont worry about it

AJRand 14

I've always been insecure but I've never thought of what my fingers looked like. Thanks to you I've now realized I have freaky nails and am also insecure about them.

well thanks a lot i feel overly self-conscious now i really appreciate it

deransc 19
kelseymill124 0

I understand where you're coming from!

FMLEveryday235 4

I...this is an FML? I do this every day...