By Eve - 24/06/2011 10:45 - Ireland

By Eve - 24/06/2011 10:45 - Ireland
By Anonymous - 30/09/2012 04:37 - United States - Northridge
By Anonymous - 02/07/2017 10:00 - China - Chengdu
By DallasGal - 14/02/2012 16:31 - United States
By Anonymous - 02/06/2012 10:24 - United Kingdom - Northampton
By FYLyfer - 26/10/2009 21:34 - United States
By Anonymous - 13/01/2011 21:10 - Lebanon
By donutsex - 05/08/2014 16:48 - United States - Georgetown
By PTKFML - 26/07/2009 04:37 - United States
By confused - 28/09/2011 04:55 - Australia
By esb - 13/08/2009 15:23 - Canada
I think stawberries are much sexier
Who has strawberries for breakfast?
I'd do a pancake.
Awwww yeaah:) hahah
Thanks a lot OP, I want pancakes now! Can I try yours?
I wish I could find someone that was like a pancake
Katrina you're on the money! Any form of egg for breakfast is the way to go! :)
What about a Waffle, ahh man all those crevices, butter and sticky delicious syrup runnin down in there, ahh yeah I would tap that.
I love crepes! Yummy!
50-will it get me as ripped as you??
If you're mentioning breakfast food, why has no one mentioned fruit loops yet? That shit is the best.
****** Fruit Loops??!!? WHAT?!
waffles are sexier! yes with strawberries and pure maple syrup!
Mmm damn right, thats the kinda sex food you need a shower afterwards.
waffles aren't that sexy, they remind me of blue waffle. Pancakes with strawberries is the way to go
Hey man just because yo momma is a blue waffle don't mean ya gots to be bad mouthing the good waffles, also did you know you can make your own gel shoe inserts with a waffle iron? what about a pancake?Nothin, thought so.
It tells you a lot about a man's size when he talks about his ability to have sex with froot loops, if you know what I mean.
Yea, definitely and his sexually, Fruity Loops, I mean Fruit Loops.
With Tobasco sauce.
I would totally eat strawberries for breakfast. OP I don't think you should take it personally. He probably just is a bit limited in expressing himself. Either or that or he is some kind of foodie.
I don't even know what she's complaining about, pancakes are freaking awesome!!
You're all fools. The sexiest and godliest breakfast is most definitely cold pizza and vodka!
well there is a saying, the way to a man's heart is through the stomach, lol. (Perhaps this applies here.
wait what about bacon with pancakes?
As sexy as I think pancakes are, I think breakfast sausages are even better at turning me on. Yeah, that nice meaty taste and long, thin proportions... Mmmmmmm... How come no-one has thought to mention it yet? I fully expected to have my idea stolen.. :(
I do. on my sexy banana pancakes.
I'm surprised not many people like bacon. WHAT'S WRONG WITH YOU PEOPLE?!
lol. that's not him in the picture... 50(marinus) which is Dutch btw, is a lot darker than that white kid. Marinus has come up a lot recently and he definitely keeps himself in shape.
breakfast of champions ;)
Spotted dick all the way. mmmmm dick.
Yay, I got 69 dislikes, this is a proud moment. But in Ireland, strawberries as part of a meal, is normally lunch.
Everyone's having breakfast orgy fights ._.
what about blue waffles???
I think waffles are sexier ;P
eggs rule!! scrambled with slices of bacon. Yum yum :)
I think waffles are sexier
nice name....?
I wonder what his reaction would be if he got sex and pancakes at the same time!
Has he proposed using butter for lube yet?
no, not pucker up, but instead BUTTER UP
" I'm gonna be the syrup, she can be my waffle" (PROPS TO ANYONE WHO CAN NAME THAT SONG(
haha I love yerr name(;
I don't know about you guys, but pancakes are pretty damn sexy.
"I'm gonna be the syrup, she can be my waffle" (props to anyone to name that song)
sorry I pod screwed up but YES!!! "this is the 2nd best idea we have ever had"
Don't take it the wrong way, pancakes are awesome!
Pancakes are VERY sexy.
They're better than waffles, if you catch my drift.
Umm depends, waffles are pretty freaking sexy too... unless they're blue...
you guys are sick!!!;)rotflol!! that was awesome!!!!
I find this difficult to ********** to.
I don't know, waffles are pretty freaking sexy too... unless they're blue...
No, on a tastiness ranking, pancakes are equivalent to your pussy!
Yeah, I wish my GFs pussy tasted like pancakes.
pancakes are hot!
Or, your pancakes are as good as sex.
For men the feeling during ****** is heightened when they receive less oxygen. That's why some men use autoerotic asphyxiation, but much more commonly they simply hold their breath when they are about to come. (Many men might not even be aware that they are doing that breath-holding, it's almost automatic.) So men usually don't make a lot of noise during ****** (doesn't go well with the whole "not breathing" concept), at best it comes out as something like "mmph". So OP takes that completely irrelevant sound and derives a meaning from it. She interprets it as something negative of course, meaning that her fiance either implied or felt something negative about her. Congratulations OP, there is nothing wrong with you - you are normal for a female. :-)
Maybe even blue waffle
ok good joke and good follow up joke xD
she has a waffle already :p
I dislike pancakes by themselves. I love pancakes with losta butter, lotsa syrup, bacon on theside and fried eggs with toast.
I do. Pancakes are waffles' trailer-trash cousins.
Are you kidding? Waffles suck! The syrup gets stuck in the pockets
Waffle House maybe?
142- Duh, that's the point. You're supposed to fill all of the little squares with syrup. Yum! :)
waffle/***** house*
Well #8, since you asked (sort of), I hate pancakes. Have for years. I absolutely cannot force myself to eat any more than a very small one, and even that very rarely, like if I happen to be staying at a friend's place and they really want pancakes for breakfast.
Louisiana pancake ****
Stop being so damn emo. :P
You must be new here.
you must feel so loved :D pancakes are the sexiest breakfast food :P
I'd like some syrup with that