Educate your sons

By Anonymous - 18/07/2015 05:00 - United States - San Francisco

Today, my son was planning on going clubbing. I disapproved, but no matter what I say he never listens, so I simply offered him some condoms so he doesn't end up knocking anyone up. He just said, "Nah, dad. Get 'em drunk enough and it's anal all the way." FML
I agree, your life sucks 35 088
You deserved it 5 859

Same thing different taste

Top comments


That's rape they can't consent if they are drunk... You need to get him help

Surprised no one here has mentioned the aids. No protection anal? Your asking for it

Moonditch_fml 19

As a few people have said, safe sex isn't just to prevent pregnancy, but STD/STIs as well. You might want to sit him down for another talk.

grgn123 0

why is this up for debate? if he feels the need to get a girl so drunk that she consents to something she would otherwise not do sober, then yes it classifies as rape.

sailorarctic 22

I'm not a #feminazi, but your son is a product of rape culture if I ever saw one.

It sounds like your son is still a virgin. I'm pretty sure he's full of shit.

If he doesn't listen, then you're not very good at parenting now are you..

_awwhellnaw_ 45

I kinda took it as a joke. My friends and I go out to have fun and a few drinks with no intentions of having sex. If my parents insisted I bought condoms, I'd give them a sarcastic remark before leaving.

Ive had 15 standard drinks today. My girlfriend about to rape me. I might even consent to anal. Good times! :)