
By swaiteATC - 28/07/2009 04:11 - United States

Today, I was sitting in the break room at work eating lunch when I started to choke. My face turned red and tears began welling up in my eyes. Two of my coworkers were there. They began to argue over who would have to give me the Heimlich maneuver rather than helping. FML
I agree, your life sucks 46 323
You deserved it 2 661

Same thing different taste


kiit23 0

Maybe they weren't sure if they could do it right?

Yes, they should have been nicer maybe... but basic first aid and CPR says the best thing for a choking victim is to keep coughing. Unless you were not able to speak, breathe, or cough, they didn't do anything wrong.

Probably worried about a lawsuit. Maybe they thought better dead than sorry? You made it though, good for you!

Heimlich Maneuver is outdated. Only trained medics are advised to do this. Everyone else can, while pulling on you, rip your inner organs. Not a good trade for a free trachea, if you ask me ;)


how do you know shes always complaining

kath91 0

You're only supposed to try the heimlich manoevre after hitting someone on the back, did they even think of that?

Just a suggestion.... don't post if you don't know what you're talking about.

Hitting someone on the back is the worst thing to do...

#27, can you cite some evidence please? I have given and received first aid training at various levels with many different accredited training bodies and they ALWAYS advocate back slaps with the heel of the palm if the casualty is unable to dislodge the blockage by coughing. if you're a qualified professional of some sort, fine, I'll listen. If you 'heard it off someone who once knew a guy who as a paramedic'... enough said..

I'm trained in CPR, AED, and first aid for the professional rescuer. Just to get this all clarified... If the victim is conscious, and can breathe, speak, and cough the best thing for them to do is continue coughing. Once they can not do these things, the victim should be tilted forward and 5 back blows should be given with the heel of the hand. Then 5 abdominal thrusts are given. This is repeated until the victim can breathe or cough on his/her own. If the victim becomes unconscious, rescue breaths and chest compressions are given. Even if the coworkers were trained in CPR, they were not required to do anything unless the victim can not cough or breathe on his/her own. If they were not certified, they probably shouldn't have tried to help the victim themselves anyway, as they could have made the situation worse. There! No more confusion.

You only give back slaps to babies or people with bone problems. Otherwise you always do Heimlich.

sounds like you already "listened," dumbass

#30, thanks, that's more or less what I go by, I still don't know what 27 is on?! #39... where the hell did they teach you that? #41... What?

#29, Yes, I know what I'm talking about. I'm a certified Lifeguard. I've taken many first aid and CPR courses. It's my job to know these things. You only hit someone on the back if they are a baby or a small child, and I doubt the person posting this is either one.

Where in the world did you learn to only hit someone on the back if they were a child or infant? Obviously, the traditional "back slaps" do nothing, but if you really are certified in Lifeguarding, CPR, AED, and first aid for the professional rescuer (as lifeguards should be, and as I am)... you should know that "back blows" are given to choking adults, children, and infants. I have the Red Cross book right in front of me, there's no way you can tell me this is wrong.

Well obviously it's different in Canada than in the States. I've had an argument about CPR with someone from the states. He said you're not supposed to give breaths, only compressions. Let's just drop this, and we'll both go on saving people ...in different ways.

Clearly, that person had learned CPR wrong, then, because I´ve always been told to give breaths, because, otherwise, CPR has no purpose. They may have been confused by the American Red Cross´s mandate that one is supposed to give twice as many compressions as told before, but they would never remove the breaths from CPR, because, as I already mentioned, that would completely defeat the purpose.

that sucks, I would have just done it to myself on a chair (yes, it can be done) and btw, It's not called the Heimlich maneuver anymore. It's called abdominal thrusts.

sublime93 0

If you're posting this I'm guessing you're alive so is it really such a big deal?

Possibly the dumbest comment I've read on this site. Are you honestly saying that you need to be dead for something to be FML-worthy? Read the ******* name of the site! It's "FML: Your EVERYDAY life stories."

Yes, because FML is only for posts that say "Today, I died because (insert story here) FML." =-=