
By swaiteATC - 28/07/2009 04:11 - United States

Today, I was sitting in the break room at work eating lunch when I started to choke. My face turned red and tears began welling up in my eyes. Two of my coworkers were there. They began to argue over who would have to give me the Heimlich maneuver rather than helping. FML
I agree, your life sucks 46 323
You deserved it 2 661

Same thing different taste


well to write this fml, u must be alive and the choking must be over so wats the big deal?

Chantalasaurus 0

HOLY ****! damn that does suck ass. >_< one time, I was at the dinner table, and I was chocking on a piece of chicken, that, me, being a hardcore carnivore, forgot to chew, and my own SISTER, stood there laughing at me! (that bitch) my dad ended up having to give me the heimlich

Clairina 0

when i was younger i choked on a lifesaver twice in the same week. the first time my sis saved me, the second time i saved myself. this sucks though, im sorry

Learn how to do the Heimlich maneuver on yourself, could save your life if you are choking and there is no one else around :3

I agree with #42. You could just run at chairs and stuff, really, as long as the thing blocking your airway comes out. :l

awesomeness101 0

Are u ok???!?!! Omg, that stinks!!!!!!!!!

EveryDayJackAss 0

lol if you were a woman then they would argue over wanting to "help" you but anyway yea it sucks....i mean if you dropped dead or something and they were STILL arguing then.........yea you people get my point.......fkin dumbasses

Keiko86 0

Hmm... if I were you I'd write them up. If you can....