Every day is Caturday

By Anonymous - 16/11/2012 00:36 - United States - Panama City

Today, my mom came home drunk and yelled at me for 20 minutes for not feeding the cat. We don't have a cat. FML
I agree, your life sucks 27 535
You deserved it 1 834

Same thing different taste


One should never be around ones drunk parents. It's the worst.

joethebiden 8

Damn you bath salts for ruining so many lives.

Meh, I wouldn't worry about it at all. Personally, I'd enjoy every minute of one of my parent's drunken rants/lectures about things that don't exist. Just remember how much fun it'll be to rub it in her face once she sobers up.

photogodess 13

Not gonna lie, this is prolly the funniest post I've seen in a while... Sorry to laugh at your misfortune! Hahahahahhahahahahah .... Okay I'm done laughing now. Lol

mimi809o 21

alcohol...cause no great story starts with a salad

Therewhenneeded 16

Ouch. Been in your place before. If it's a one off thing I hope it doesn't happen again but if she does it a lot...well I hope she gets help.

Record her the next time she's drunk and then show her. Maybe that can help her quit drinking