
By ew. - 11/08/2013 13:09 - United States - Titusville

Today, someone told me that my initials really fit my personality. I took it as a strange compliment, until I realized my initials spell "EW". FML
I agree, your life sucks 47 855
You deserved it 4 633

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I suppose you have it a tiny bit better than my friend Brandon Stubbs...


spookycat32 6

How did you not already know your initials were EW?

sugarpoppaige 6

Nothing bad about mine, as it's just "JEH." But, my first, middle, and last names have six letters each.

Raidzen 12

Mine spells FAP. I'm dead serious.

sproutlet 5

You should have replied that it was still prefereble to their personality.

It's a bit funny cause I have a friend named Emily W***. Same initials

emma Watsons initials are spelled 'ew'