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By ass slap - 11/08/2013 15:35 - United States - Broomall

Today, while I was hanging out with a cute girl, I slapped her ass playfully. She told me that she was going to get me back. She slapped my ass later that night unexpectedly while I was holding in a huge fart... It came out. FML
I agree, your life sucks 67 235
You deserved it 24 844

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You can never really truly love someone until you've broken the unspoken fart barrier.


SmallyBigs 9

Sorry to hear OP, that really stinks :/

Oh no, not another list of fartstrating puns.

9-Too bad there isn't a button for that

Reading the passive aggressive "there's a button for that" comments is more annoying than reading the comments where they could have used the button.

tootsie68 22

51, it is relevant. she said she would get him back. and she did. the fact that he farted is karma.

Then earls lifes work has been a waste.

64- No it isn't. You don't know what Karma is.

Goblin182 26

I know what Karma is, Karma is a bitch.

Well, we all fart in front of our significant other at some point (unless you're one of those weirdos who hides that stuff even after marriage). You're just getting a head start. I wouldn't make such a big deal out of it, she'll probably laugh about later while she's ripping her own at home.

When you said "hide that stuff" I just imagined a little old lady farting into jars and stashing them under the bed... I do agree with you, though, this could be signs to a bigger and better thing if she is able to just laugh it off

RedPillSucks 31

Wow that's embarassing… Hopefully she doesn't care that much

5..... What??? I don't see where anyone said anything about a daughter besides you...

He edited his comment and i ran out of time to edit mine. It did say "is it normal to slap your daughters ass?..."

Ohhh I see. Sorry 'bout that, I was confused. ;)

BlueFlatts 20

Ugh... Editing. Often causes me to down vote the person who doesn't deserve it.

At first I thought the FML said "my baby girl" instead of "a cute girl" so that's why I originally made the comment. I guess I wasn't reading it clear enough the first time but as soon as I realized my mistake I changed the comment. Hope that clears up any confusion

Neyuu 18

#5, you made me laugh more than the fml did. Thanks for that hilarious mix up

Well, I guess she won't do that again.

I don't see any way that you didn't deserve that. Slapping her ass (especially in public if thats where you were) is super rude. You had it comming.

It doesn't sound like she had a problem with it!

You say rude, I say playful. Neither of us is wrong. In certain circumstances. Neither is universally applicable.

bipitydooiseeyou 6

My friends, a mix of guys and girls, would all run through the hallways at school slapping each other's asses. -_- Its not rude if you know each other and are okay with the person. xD

farhad_71414 2
BreynHope 11

Lol just laugh it off. Everyone farts.

Everybody toots, everybody farts--sometimes (To the tune of everybody hurts)

You can never really truly love someone until you've broken the unspoken fart barrier.

perdix 29

The game is called Grab Ass. It's poor form to use the Nuclear Option on the second move.

Damian95 16

Idk what you just said, but it still sounds better than North Koreas military operations.

cheshireau 26

This made me laugh out loud in class. Thanks :P