Expensive noodles, dude

By fuckstudentloans - 18/06/2015 23:29 - United States - Los Angeles

Today, I ruined a $1,500 laptop with a 69¢ bowl of ramen noodles. FML
I agree, your life sucks 29 325
You deserved it 13 896

Same thing different taste

Top comments

What a waste of what could have been 2,173 cups of Ramen instead.

"I bought it like this. can I get a new one? "


I know the feeling OP, I ruined my macbook air that I had for a couple of months with a nail polish remover that costed $3.

And were more concerned at how much you spent on those noodles

1500$ laptop? You could've gotten a beastly tower and a few monitors for less

what ramen noodles cost 69 cents?? you were over charged for both products

And that is why I try to avoid sitting near my laptop when I am eating liquids.

literallyno 5

where the hell can you buy ramen noodles for 69 cents???

5FDPmetalhead 17

What ramen costs that much? It's $.18 here.

Lightning_Farron 11

That sucks ASS. I have been looking for a cheap laptop for months that i can service to make more modern due to me being an Up Coming IT Tech that services PC,s

I did that with my two week old, $1200 laptop and a glass of wine last year....