Explain yourself

By Anonymous - This FML is from back in 2011 but it's good stuff - France

Today, I received a text message from my wife, who had gone out for the evening with some girlfriends, saying, "I have to take a friend home, she's drunk! I'll be staying at his place. Call you in the morning." Umm… His? FML
I agree, your life sucks 51 260
You deserved it 4 598

Same thing different taste

Top comments


Yeah right he deserved it for being a ******* frog. Wish him dead

Hahahahahahahah they moderated your ******* comment ! Poor you, victim of the ******* moderation of this ******* site. Wish them all dead

Hahahaha, yes, **** the Fre-- OH, WAIT. Tell you what, I give you a vacation from the site so you can get around the world and become civilised. You are welcome.

Darnit, I wish we could thumbs up mod comments. Anyways, that was awesome Sirin!

Acousticpixie14 6

I know, seems like every time they comment I want to give it a thumbs up. [:

I recently asked a mod if they would introduce voteable mod posts someday, and he told me that they wouldn't :-( so don't be too hopeful about this

Where is the ability to "thumbs up" a mod post when you need it?! D: Because sometimes you guys are just ******* hilarious.

Uh oh something is going on...what you gonna do??!

she's prolly drunk too n she prolly is sleeping with him good luck with that one just call her

FYLDeep 25

I wouldn't necessarily be against letting someone I was in a relationship with spend time with someone of the opposite gender, but it would be pretty shitty not to know ahead of time. That's when it seems like maybe you're cheating.

Acousticpixie14 6

But if they tell you upfront that that's where they'll be, doesn't that make it seem like maybe they're not? Someone who'd honest and upfront like that probably isn't going to cheat...just saying.

FYLDeep 25

I don't really understand what your reply is supposed to mean.

Acousticpixie14 6

Yeah, I just re-read that and it made more sense in my head. I'm sorry. You said you'd like some warning, because otherwise it does seem like they would be cheating. Well, what if she told her husband as soon as the decision was made? Sure, it wasn't very far ahead of time, but at least she told him. I would think that if you were going to cheat, you wouldn't straight up tell your spouse that you were staying with someone of the opposite sex, regardless of how far in advance you told them. Did I make sense that time?

mommyhearts2boys 0

he maybe gay so nothing to worry about

she got the same hole gay dudes poke too. if he's gay or not don't matter.

abasio 1

Call her and ask if her friend is okay. She might just have made a typo and won't appreciate your mistrust but if she won't answer or is really evasive when you call her, she is likely getting ****** or about to be.

jessicaaababy 8

Even if she was staying at a guy's place, do you really think that if she wanted to cheat on you she'd tell you where she was? I think you're making a bigger deal out of this than it is.

Don't be silly! If a woman spends more than five seconds alone with a man, she will sleep with him! Everyone knows that!

Oh yeah, I forgot about that, thanks pingvin! Ignore my previous comment OP, divorce your wife right away!