By jimmy - 19/08/2011 21:57 - United Kingdom

By jimmy - 19/08/2011 21:57 - United Kingdom
By Anonymous - 20/06/2014 18:20 - United States - Fresno
By Anonymous - 05/11/2020 20:01
By numbcrumb - 18/09/2017 23:15
By DDD - 31/01/2009 15:04 - France
By Clap - 22/07/2022 10:00
By flopsy - 03/12/2010 16:19 - Australia
By luckygirl - 13/10/2015 16:20 - Croatia - Zagreb
By NotALuckyGuy - 07/04/2015 16:19 - United States - Columbus
By Anonymous - 04/02/2013 17:17 - United States - Durham
By Mini-wanker - 18/10/2011 17:34 - United States
Sounds fishy...wait that was a lame pun. That sucks though man.
Hopefully its not bad enough for u teach her a lesson by shoven ur pubed full dick in her face haha crabbbssss!!
hey man, you can get crabs from other stuff besides sex. plenty of other stuff, like filthy public toilets for example.
Well confront her about it. Try to work it out if you can, if you can't leave her. Also just because you have crabs does not mean she cheated on you.
Damn, enough with the puns already! 2% of the people here think it's funny. Half of them don't even make sense! AGHHHHH excuse me.. I'm gonna have a bf.
I might be wrong, but I don't think crabs is something to die of, maybe you got it from a public bathroom, you never really know so don't assume and shave your pubic hairs.
Give her a pet crab for her birthday.
I would so tell that story at a party, bro. The chicks would just melt.
Shaving off pubic hair does not get rid of crabs you nitwits lol
she sounds like a shellfish woman
this is my favorite comment! because crabs are lice. and lice eggs are called nits. and in the old days, one way to insult people was to say they had the wit of a louse egg, I.e. a nitwit!
20 what the **** is wrong with you, frigin nasty ass mind you have
Fyi for having sex with woman in ur whole life.
#235 are you implying that OP should try banging men too?
Are you trying to say you enjoy having crabs?
Uhh... No, not so much :-P
191 don't worry I'm not 100% sure what crabs are either, I know it's a STD but that's all I know
it is like head-lice in your pubic/genital region
I looked it up, they look creepy! I'd hate to have that
That's ****** up. :(
Dont be too quick to misjudge her. You can get crabs by sitting on a toilet (that someone with crabs has previously sat in). Talk to her about it
58 - You are an example of why I hate a vast majority of my generation.
58 I think it's sweet that he waited for marriage to have any sexual contact. Not very many people do that anymore.
you do realize you can get crabs other ways than just sex right?
Comment moderated for rule-breaking.
Show it anywayWe call that the beach and the dinner plate.
says the one with many thumbs down and no one taking your sdie... this is a social site... for communication.
105 u look good with pale skin people who over tan just look stupid
Or OP is just so disgusting that they don't bother to wash their nether regions.
239 - They don't magically appear out of nothing. You still have to get them from somewhere, which is why OP says "FML".
Mmm, I wonder where she got them from..
It looks like she's got some explaining to do.
well you were just waiting for the right person that's ok :)
to bad you got crabs from your first time or did you?
That wasn't his point. He is referring to the possibility if his wife cheating on him, catching crabs and then giving them to him, although I'm sure they can be caught other ways too, like if she had headlice and performed other sexual acts on him.
Head lice and genital lice are two different things. Head lice can't go to your genitals and genital lice can't go to your head...
The post could say "Today I got diagnosed with crabs " And it would be fine... But I understand that you want to explain...
that wouldnt have made it past the fml screening. they want interesting and usually more than one sentence.
you are a dumbass
I believe the FML part was the fact that his crabs implied a cheating wife.
you do realize crabs is the only STD you CAN actually get from a toilet seat? or borrowing underwear or anything along those lines.
Sounds fishy...wait that was a lame pun. That sucks though man.
you do realize you can get crabs other ways than just sex right?