
By Anonymous - 23/11/2012 06:17 - United States - Oakland

Today, I saw my cat playing with one of his many toy mice. Knowing he likes to play fetch, I picked it up and threw it across the room. Upon trying to pick it up a second time, I realized that not only was it not a toy, but it was only half-dead. FML
I agree, your life sucks 27 293
You deserved it 3 688

Same thing different taste

Top comments

indielove 13

Just how realistic are his toy mice that you didn't realize that it was a real mouse.


heyheywaddup 7
iOceanus 18

I hope that was rhetorical, for your sake.

I would like to bortow your cat: have mice problem. :)

Half dead Mouse: There's a dead mouse over there. Op: *leaves* Half dead Mouse: WAIT!!! ...you gonna eat that dead mouse? (yay family guy!)

Wait...what? Sorry didn't catch the reference in that one. Lets try again tomorrow!

Your cat plays fetch? Sounds more like a dog... Haha:) But seriously OP that's gross:/

I have a cat that can sit on command, cats are cool like that. Trust me, I have two cats AND two dogs.

I only voted YDI because you didn't realize it was real the first time you picked it up. Sorry, OP.

Some higher end toys look and feel real. My cat has one now that occasionally scares my mom because if how real it looks.

There's an easy solution for that: don't buy realistic looking/feeling toy mice. It'll probably save you a few bucks too. My cats don't are as long as they have nip.

winkydog4056 16

Just me, but does anyone else find a cat who plays fetch funny?