Fight me, loser

By mrmidi - This FML is from back in 2010 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, I learned two important facts: #1 - A grown man can, in fact, get beaten up by a teenage girl, and #2 - If someone is convinced you are someone else, there is no telling them otherwise. FML
I agree, your life sucks 32 811
You deserved it 4 373

Same thing different taste

Top comments


brigittebabe09 0

haha, you never underestimate what a girl can do. and why were you even fighting a girl? by the way, this isnt really an FML. It's just hilarious.

imdeborah 0

Organisedchaos, you are my hero. I absolutely love and agree with your views. If a guy is being attacked by a girl, he should deffinitely be allowed to fight back. I don't care if she's "weaker". If she's so weak, she shouldn't be fighting with anybody. Why should anyone be allowed to get away with putting their hands on someone else?

Hahaha what a pussy! I'm not saying you should have wailed on her but there are ways to defend your self without hurting the other person. Sack up and take some Brazilian Jiu Jitsu classes or something........

Hahaha what a puss! I'm not saying you should have wailed on her but there are ways to defend your self without hurting the other person. Sack up and take some Brazilian Jiu Jitsu classes or something........

Woops my bad for the double post :( Damn android app!

femalepimp 0

im 12 years old and ive beaten up alot of people who pick fights with me.

TaterSalad187 5

organisedchaos, I'm only trying to point out to use reasonable force. If you cannot physically control a woman, then i have no hope for you. obviously there are huge exceptions like if she was a bodybuilding butchy chick or something like that, but i doubt that this is the case. Personally, I'm against violence and the use of violence unless completely necessary. It is true that if someone attacks you, they are wrong. however, do two wrongs make a right? NO i am not saying stand there and take it, but don't use it as a reason to carelessly hurt someone. and seriously? killing her? why would you even make a comment like that? now that's illogical.

smariebow 0

This wouldve sounded so much better if youd said the first fact second instead of first =]

lizzilla8297 2

yeahexcept he couldn't, stupid! the op is a weak ass

really dude? unless she was a ******* Thai boxer there's no way in the world a chick would kick my ass

I'm gonna go ahead and throw this out there. Unless you are a straight up pussy, no woman should be able to kick your ass like that. Secondly, any woman who hits a man and has anything to say about him hitting her back can shut the **** up and go back to the kitchen.