Fight me, loser

By mrmidi - This FML is from back in 2010 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, I learned two important facts: #1 - A grown man can, in fact, get beaten up by a teenage girl, and #2 - If someone is convinced you are someone else, there is no telling them otherwise. FML
I agree, your life sucks 32 811
You deserved it 4 373

Same thing different taste

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Hahaha what a pussy! I'm not saying you should have wailed on her but there are ways to defend your self without hurting the other person. Sack up and take some Brazilian Jiu Jitsu classes or something........

Wow sounds like you had one hell of a day. You got beaten up by a teenage girl, and she was convinced you were someone else? Sounds like a typical teenage drama queen to me.

My first thought was that the teenage girl thought he was some sort of super-villian like The Joker and thus the reason for getting beaten up. I have no idea why I thought that... (Probably because I'm a nerd.)

this is the side story of today's doctors episode

haha I moderated this and I can't stop laughing at it.

a grown man can get his ass kicked by a teenage girl......... if he's a littttle BIATCH!!! ydi

I learned #2 aswell because a guy 2 years older then me from my school gripped me and punched me for pulling a knife on his cousin I nver did that though I did punch the dude who gripped and knock him out :)

PurpleKuSh_fml 0

haha punk ass bich... lol jk but serioulsy no I'm not