Fight me, loser

By mrmidi - This FML is from back in 2010 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, I learned two important facts: #1 - A grown man can, in fact, get beaten up by a teenage girl, and #2 - If someone is convinced you are someone else, there is no telling them otherwise. FML
I agree, your life sucks 32 811
You deserved it 4 373

Same thing different taste

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There should be a way to request more information about a FML post.

TaterSalad187 5

First of all, organisedchaos, I don't appreciate your petty insults. If you can't have a simple civilized debate without attacking someone then you can proceed to go **** yourself with a broken glass bottle. Now with that being said, I would like to point out that even from what you stated, you will never know for sure if the reason for attacking him was trivial or not as we cannot read minds. pathetic as it may be, people misidentify people ALL the time. it happens. There are way too many variables in the situation to determine. "How much can you know about yourself if you've never been in a fight?". This is one of my favorite quotes from one of my favorite films "Fight Club". The point is to always know what you're capable of. I don't know why you can't grasp the concept of reasonable force. I'm sure if the situation called for it, you could restrain a woman without very much difficulty. It's really not that hard, seriously (although there are very few exceptions). If your only response is to irresponsibly "kick the shit out of her", then you are a wimp. yes primary school logic. "Two Wrongs Make a Right" is a logical fallacy. I'm sorry if you cannot comprehend it, but I stand by what I say. Furthermore, you should learn not to take these debates so personally. If you feel the need to harass people on the internet, then I question the quality of your private life. Take it easy. kay buddy? :]

delaney16 0

y is it such a shock that girls can kick the pants off guys

People aren't shocked that "girls can kick the pants off guys", its the fact that the person lied about being ass-kicked by a woman, cuz frankly, lol, chicks just can't.

I understand comepletly even if a teenage girl was hurting me it would be hard to hit back

sjerkins 0

Ok if she can think you are someone else obviously you aren't unique enough

I know 1 Girl who I Know Will Kick my Ass, Taller Than Me, Bigger, and is Full On MMA Fighter and Im a 200lb Guy who Does Weightlifting

Well, if you weren't carrying around a mug of blood, Buffy would've left you alone.

funny. so many of you ridiculing him for "being weak" but if he actually hit the girl you would all be freaking out going "OMG HOW CAN YOU HIT A GIRL" cant hit a girl but cant get beat up by a girl...youre all a bunch of hypocrites