
By marryinghimanyway - 29/08/2013 02:21 - Australia - Brisbane

Today, I announced my engagement. My mother's response was to freak out and demand that I postpone my wedding indefinitely. Why? My younger sister caught the bouquet at a wedding last year, so "she has to get married first!" My sister has been single for 3 years and showers once a week. FML
I agree, your life sucks 54 102
You deserved it 2 940

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Just ignore it and enjoy your relationship :)

meliadams 12

Have your wedding when you want to, OP. tell her if she doesn't like it, she doesn't have to come.


Congratulations! I hope you have an amazing day despite what your mother wants.

At that point I believe a "No bitch," is entirely appropriate.

First of all thats gross! Shower everyday! And second, thats your relationship no one elses! Do what you think is right!

Yeah let the caveman get married first and you will never get married.

graywolf923 2

This is very cute. :) Charming.