
By marryinghimanyway - 29/08/2013 02:21 - Australia - Brisbane

Today, I announced my engagement. My mother's response was to freak out and demand that I postpone my wedding indefinitely. Why? My younger sister caught the bouquet at a wedding last year, so "she has to get married first!" My sister has been single for 3 years and showers once a week. FML
I agree, your life sucks 54 102
You deserved it 2 940

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Just ignore it and enjoy your relationship :)

meliadams 12

Have your wedding when you want to, OP. tell her if she doesn't like it, she doesn't have to come.


and that's when you tell your mother to go and get ******. simple as that. what the hell wrong with people!!!!???

Your mother is a grade A loon just so you know better go and marry him...because from the look of it, your sister going to be single for awhile if she only showers once a about smelling.

It's not your fault your mother is an idiot., it is your fault if you listen to such a stupid request.

Isa_fml 20

Yeah, well, I wish her good luck with that. :P Meanwhile, just do your thing. Like someone else said, if she has a problem with it, she can stay home. I'm sorry she's making it difficult though. It sucks when families do that. I mean, I know it's your mum, but if she's already making things harder, do you really want her involved anyway?

KarenRose1323 3

Wow, your mom should see that how about when its your and your boyfriend's time to get married you do that regardless of what the spirit of catching the bouquet represents? Congratulations and hope you get married when your ready and your mother becomes happy for you. :)

circlelranch69 1

Yeah mom im gonna need you to shut th **** up. You marry the bitch.

Bludmagnus 13

That is blatantly a "spoiled favorite child" situation. Tell her: "Not 'no'... not 'oh no'... not 'oh hell no'... not 'Oh F'ing Hell No'.. but OH F'ING HELL NO!!!"

There's something wrong with your mom. Thankfully, you're doing what makes you and your man happy.

**** her put your sister through a carwash and jcpenny then make her a profile on a bunch of dating sites