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The deal

By Anonymous - 25/09/2023 10:00

Today, after a day of anxiety and worry that something bad would happen, I decided to keep my two daughters home from being flower girls at my sister's wedding. Now my sister and entire family is blowing up my phone. Apparently her wedding is my important than a mother worried about her babies. FML
I agree, your life sucks 137
You deserved it 2 406

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Your fears and worries are valid, but that doesn't make them reasonable or justified. Assuming you have a good relationship with your family, you were taking your daughters to a very public event, filled with people that your sister personally vouched for or that those people vouched for, and you would have been right there with your girls. Plus you backed out at the last possible second, causing significant stress and logistical issues for everyone else, when you could have told them you weren't going to bring your daughters days or weeks in advance. I'm saying this gently, but you genuinely need to seek help. Living with this amount of your unfounded anxiety isn't going to be good for your daughters developmentally, and it isn't pleasant for you.

By keeping your kids away from the wedding, you created your own bad situation you were so worried about. YDI.


Unless your family are evil psychopaths who have harmed you throughout your life so you worry about your children suffering the same - it's not clear from this - then you did the right thing. If your anxiety and worry is that bad it is stopping you and your family from being and enjoying family need to see a doctor as it is not normal. There is a difference between gut instinct of danger (which is around immediate danger or dodgy people) and existential dread (constantly worrying about the worst). What could have possibly gone wrong? If it is just "worry" then please seek help. You don't want to be that parent that stops their children experiencing life.

By keeping your kids away from the wedding, you created your own bad situation you were so worried about. YDI.

Your fears and worries are valid, but that doesn't make them reasonable or justified. Assuming you have a good relationship with your family, you were taking your daughters to a very public event, filled with people that your sister personally vouched for or that those people vouched for, and you would have been right there with your girls. Plus you backed out at the last possible second, causing significant stress and logistical issues for everyone else, when you could have told them you weren't going to bring your daughters days or weeks in advance. I'm saying this gently, but you genuinely need to seek help. Living with this amount of your unfounded anxiety isn't going to be good for your daughters developmentally, and it isn't pleasant for you.

Seriously? You undertook to have your children there, they were a major part of the ceremony. If you were going to keep them away you should have let your family know well beforehand so that they could make alternative arrangements. Do you think it would have been OK if the person who officiated the ceremony just didn't show up because 'they were afraid something bad was going to happen'? And then you come here looking for sympathy and trying to justify your unacceptable behavior? Shame on you.

this is called unfounded paranoia. you need to seek help for this. what you did was not ok at all

You're a selfish jerk. A bride just wants her big day to go smoothly and for you throw a wrench in it for no real reason is unacceptable.

What did you think would happen if they went? We need more context. If you don't get professional help with your anxiety and continue to be overcontrolling with your children as they grow, I guarantee they will go no contact from you as adults. I would know, as I went NC from my mother under similar circumstances.

DirtySalamander 9

wth are you worried about? you want to live in fear your whole life? if you didn't want them to be their you should have said so from the start and let them make another arrangements, instead you're acting irresponsible and selfish. yea, you do have the right to feel anxiety and worry but man, tell your people beforehand on what you were feeling.

You absolutely deserve it. I'm wondering how old your kids are, but regardless, this seems completely unjustified. What did you think was possibly going to happen? If your anxiety is this severe, you should probably seek professional help.