FML: Uncensored

By Anonymous - 15/01/2012 02:00 - United States

Today, while spending the night at a friend's house, I was woken up by someone kicking me. I figured she was having a nightmare, and since we were sharing a bed, I reached over to wake her up. Turns out it was her boyfriend trying to push me off the bed because they were having sex. FML
I agree, your life sucks 54 718
You deserved it 4 422

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Ew they didn't have the decency to wait till you're gone??


That's when you get up, leave the room, and come back with a bucket of ice cold water.

Thats just plain rude. I slept over at my friends once and she had her GF over (she's bi) and I woke up to one of them moaning "yeah that's so good..." it's ******* inconsiderate, i accept them but I was right FYL op

You should have totally jumped in. Are you sure you weren't getting kicked so you'd wake up and help out? Every guy wants a threesome with 2 chicks. ????

Shoulda suffocated him with the pillow, just sayin' .

Quillian12 0

Hopefully you told her parents.

thomas9753 0

Umm I hope she didn't! They let him sleep over

arioch_fml 20

Not necessarily, could have came by in the middle of the night to avoid getting in trouble, or the off chance OP'S friend has her own place, it wouldn't matter

KatherineJ 0

What the heck. You should have kicked him in the balls. That's not something you do when you're sleeping in the same bed with a friend. No, it's something you don't do with a friend in the same area as you. That's just nasty.

TweedleM 1

I would be pissed. I would have gotten up, got my stuff and left. That's disgusting and rude.

SukiIzumi 8

What kind of friend is that? Rude people!

Prfft I wouldn't even call her a friend what sort of friend has u over then try's having it on with her bf wen ur asleep next to them or invites the bf over??