FML: Uncensored

By Anonymous - 15/01/2012 02:00 - United States

Today, while spending the night at a friend's house, I was woken up by someone kicking me. I figured she was having a nightmare, and since we were sharing a bed, I reached over to wake her up. Turns out it was her boyfriend trying to push me off the bed because they were having sex. FML
I agree, your life sucks 54 718
You deserved it 4 422

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Ew they didn't have the decency to wait till you're gone??


She shouldn't stay with a looser like him ur obviously a better and kinder match for her.

tigerkitten275 7
JadeWalker 14

wow fyl your friend is rude, disguisting and disrespectful not to mention thats a whorish thing to do, sex should be in private if anything.

the bed, i don't know. i've done it in the same room, only time i've ever done it in the same bed was when i was in on it. that's pretty desperate in my opinion, if you can't even wait to have sex or move, to a different location, your not mature enough to be having sex. friend asleep or not that's pure, teenage immaturity and/or nymphomaniac.

Rainbow_Crash 11

Did the sight of you lying in bed beside them inflame their passions, or could they just not wait until you'd left and gone home to rut each other's brains out? Your "friend" is a desperate, disgusting **** and her boyfriend's a rude, disrespectful dick nugget.

BabyMimi00 12

Why didn't they just have sex somewhere else ?

BrysGirl27 14

Hahah and that's why you sleep on the ground

coolguy345 0