
By james88 - 07/01/2013 21:39 - United States - Altoona

Today, in an elaborate plan to finally meet my cute neighbor, I convinced my friendly mailman to switch up our mail so I'd have an excuse to meet her. After I delivered her mail, I waited for her to mention that she had my mail, but she never did. I even saw her take it out of her mail box. FML
I agree, your life sucks 13 558
You deserved it 37 790

Same thing different taste

Top comments

She probably just hadn't looked at the mail yet. I really doubt she wants to steal your bills.

OhMinty 5

Lol im surprised the mailman listened to you.


YDI for using such a lame move to try to get to know her.

jtdanny24 6

Maybe she just wants you to come over again and ask for it.

HotProblems1998 4

There was probably some pretty messed up stuff in there...

I hadn't even considered the mailman conspiring with her... Oh wow that would be precious, and awesome, and hilarious... I bet the mailman got a date with her instead :)

Your like Leobard from The Big Bang Theory!

It takes me days to go through my mail sometimes, she might not have even realized it yet.

zeffra13 31

Maybe she overheard your plan & it's revenge