
By james88 - 07/01/2013 21:39 - United States - Altoona

Today, in an elaborate plan to finally meet my cute neighbor, I convinced my friendly mailman to switch up our mail so I'd have an excuse to meet her. After I delivered her mail, I waited for her to mention that she had my mail, but she never did. I even saw her take it out of her mail box. FML
I agree, your life sucks 13 558
You deserved it 37 790

Same thing different taste

Top comments

She probably just hadn't looked at the mail yet. I really doubt she wants to steal your bills.

OhMinty 5

Lol im surprised the mailman listened to you.


You should have gotten her mail.......not to be mean but quit being. Teeny weeny boy and grab life by the balls and talk to her

Why not just go there and say " hi "? Why all the plans and stuff?? Next time just go ask her out for coffee or something.. Fyl anyway

So if you had just had the balls to just go up and talk to her, you'd still have your mail and you wouldn't look like a spineless idiot. Well done!

She may have just put OP's mail in the outgoing box. That's what I do when I don't know the person.

eirameelhsa 6

She could've just not looked at your mail

OP is an idiot. All he had to do was say "Hi." when he saw the cute girl. This entire mail thing is stupid and most likely illegal. Then he failed to say "I got your mail, did you get mine?" or something of that nature. Just say hello.

tnasone2 6
TheyCallMeDamien 17

Well you know she's into identity theft.