
By james88 - 07/01/2013 21:39 - United States - Altoona

Today, in an elaborate plan to finally meet my cute neighbor, I convinced my friendly mailman to switch up our mail so I'd have an excuse to meet her. After I delivered her mail, I waited for her to mention that she had my mail, but she never did. I even saw her take it out of her mail box. FML
I agree, your life sucks 13 558
You deserved it 37 790

Same thing different taste

Top comments

She probably just hadn't looked at the mail yet. I really doubt she wants to steal your bills.

OhMinty 5

Lol im surprised the mailman listened to you.


aleia18 3

Hahah I love that you did this! I always try to make plans to finally meet the boy across the street and this is one of plans!

marathdamane91 2

I'm more annoyed that he finds this plan elaborate than that he did this

Nice try though, and yeah, I hope that the mail was nothing important because asking that back would be pretty awkward...

LBelle25 9

Awe that's a cute thing to do to meet her OP. Sorry it didn't work out better. You deserve to be with someone thoughtful and sweet like you seem to be

You probably dodged a bullet. Assuming she knew the mail is yours (if not, then it's a different story), do you really want to associate with someone who so casually commits a federal crime like that?

Wow.... Just go up to her when she out and ask her to go somewhere. Not that hard.

yzzami 17

You purposely had your mail delivered to someone you know nothing about? Tell me how those mysterious bank charges work out

manasstalker 7

She could have just wrote. "wrong address" on the mail and placed it back in her mail box and it would be the responsibility of the mail man to fix. Just because she didn't give it to him doesn't mean she stole his mail. Also it was a stupid plan to begin with, if someone had done that to me I would have thought them a creeper. Grow some balls and go over to her house.

Give it time, and maybe try to get your mail back

Ydi for not just going up to her instead? I mean, it sounds like you got the mail first anyways. Perhaps she saw you talking to the mailman....