Food for thought

By Anonymous - 08/11/2012 06:13 - United States - Houston

Today, I was told I will be having twins; this came as a shock since there are no twins in my family. When I asked my mom about it, she said that she wasn't surprised and not to worry about it because she had "absorbed her twin" and that the problem would "take care of itself." FML
I agree, your life sucks 26 155
You deserved it 2 054

Same thing different taste

Top comments

At least your kids will always have someone to play with! Unless of course one of your children absorbs the other.


MrAwesomeSauce 6

Disappearing twin phenomenon is a real scientific theory, yes theory. It's said that mirror image twins sometimes absorb their counterparts, and that many left handed people are the stronger of the set.

ughhseriouslywow 10

Well actually, the likelihood hood of twins has nothing to do with family past or genetics and is literally completely random. Also, it is completely possible for one twin to absorb the other in the first month of pregnancy. If you're further along, it's possible for one to absorb the other's placenta and deprive it of nutrition, and therefore killing it. So don't worry, your mother might not be crazy.

courtneyann211 10

Actually, the likely hood of having IDENTICAL twins has nothing to do with family genes or the past. Fraternal IS passed down making it generic or hereditary. It comes from hyper ovulation which is passed down from either your mothers side or your father passed it down to you (since he obviously doesn't ovulate).

Just an FYI: "Women who have a family history of fraternal twins have a higher chance of producing fraternal twins themselves, as there is a genetically linked tendency to hyper-ovulate. There is no known genetic link for identical twinning. Other factors that increase the odds of having fraternal twins include maternal age, fertility drugs and other fertility treatments, nutrition, and prior births." So, there are genetic links, but only under certain conditions.

decidedlyvague 11

Wonder twin powers activate! Form of, single baby!

Does your mom have split personalities? By absorbing her twin, won't that technically make her a cannibal?

"vanishing twin syndrome" it would happen earlier on, or so I've been told. I'm pregnant with twins and was told that it usually happens before the end of the first trimester.

Twins don't need to run in the family to be expecting them

hotany 13