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By jules - 17/04/2009 17:05 - United States

Today, I was in the supermarket when I saw a little boy trying to reach for something on the top shelf. I went over to him and asked if his mom knew where he was. The boy turned around. He was actually a very angry midget. FML
I agree, your life sucks 32 580
You deserved it 57 173

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I don't see how you could make this mistake. People who suffer from dwarfism tend to have a very characteristic body shape that looks nothing like a child...

lol not to be a spelling Nazi but 115 u just wrote a 5 letter word


nolasaints 0

sux? Are you too lazy to write four letters?? say it with me now>>>. "sucks"

you don't deserve it how were u supposed to know why are there so many ydi

zach055 23

YDI for insulting a little person

lol not to be a spelling Nazi but 115 u just wrote a 5 letter word

Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaaaaaa.... ohhh that's funny :)

Asstazztic 8
christa953 12

ydi for being an idiot. and when I was a child people like u really annoyed me. maybe I didn't go to the store with my parents

Matt_192 6

lol old guy and a midget: "....where's the rest of ya?!"

AngryPants 0

yep....bad luck strikes coulda just helped him though...=P

Always look at the face--if the proportions aren't a dead giveaway.

I don't see how you could make this mistake. People who suffer from dwarfism tend to have a very characteristic body shape that looks nothing like a child...

Midgets and dwarfs aren't the same things. My height qualifies me as a dwarf, but not a midget because I am not disproportionate. I'm seventeen and have been mistaken many times as a seven or eight year old. So it is possible, especially if OP hadn't seen the man's face.

Man, that was just a little mistake on your part... a tiny miscalculation you could say!

mrhahn530 0

I would have slapped a child leash on him and brought him to the front counter...

lifeislife_fml 0

Haha I'm imagining what he looked like when he saw you!

fatfaceunited 0

Maybe he was up to some illicit deeds and he didn't want his mom to know where he was. Then you come along and threaten to spoil his fun.

LMAO, awkward. Truthfully it's not hard to know the difference between a little boy and a midget. Midgets have arms and legs which are very short, large heads, and look like mini-me. (No offense) Little boys are usually skinny (or fat) and have arms and legs which are at a normal length for their height. That's a fail on your part