Freak out

By Anonymous - 02/01/2013 19:02 - Canada - Belle River

Today, at a house party, I finally got the guy I've been seeing alone in his room. We started making out, and I got on top of him to take control. He responded by saying he couldn't do it because he needed to go make pizza for his friends, and then bolted out of the room. FML
I agree, your life sucks 44 067
You deserved it 9 901

Same thing different taste

Top comments

TheDrifter 23

You silly goose, you gotta tie him down before you dominate him if you don't know whether he's a runner.

He must've been under some serious pressure. Or he could've just wanted some pizza.


He's probably just gay. Not your fault.

miah7676 5

Guess he came in his pants way to soon and got embarrassed !! Got your self a 1 second man! Lol

breal1488 1

This can be one of two things either his buzz wore off and he realized hed been wearing beer goggles or he's a ******

I dont think that dudes into you I woulda went to town on you!

VampTat 10

He might be gay??? And just hasn't come to realize it yet, or is dating you to hide it from everyone else? Just a thought.