Freak out
By Anonymous - 02/01/2013 19:02 - Canada - Belle River
By Anonymous - 02/01/2013 19:02 - Canada - Belle River
By Yoshi - 31/01/2009 20:01 - United States
By esb - 13/08/2009 15:23 - Canada
By Lisa - 11/12/2018 04:00 - Romania
By Menareidiots - 24/02/2009 23:32 - United States
By Anonymous - 29/12/2009 05:02 - United States
By Hystcheria - 25/07/2021 02:01 - United States - Fredericksburg
By sandwichsex - 08/08/2009 22:39 - United States
By dudeWTF - 03/07/2021 10:59 - United States
By Kiddo - 02/09/2013 06:49 - United States - Jacksonville
By oumalina - 12/08/2010 01:54 - United States
He probably pulled an American Pie...
Maybe he just doesn't want to rush the dam relationship. There are still a few people in this f***ed up world that actually have some standards and think it's healthy to develop relationship built on being emotionally close to a person before going all the way physically. If you're trying to force him to do more than he's ready for then you clearly don't respect him and he could do better.
Long before my fiancee and I were having sex we made out in the bedroom all the time, but we both knew we weren't going to be having sex. We had communicated, so we both knew what was and wasn't acceptable. If he didn't make that clear to her then you might have a point, but by the way this is worded I'd wager she's been pushing for it for a while.
I'm the one that posted this and feel as though I need to clear up some things. #1 - I'm a 25 year old female. The guy is a 30 year old male. (There goes the theories on being young) #2 - When I say "got on top of him to take control", we had been making out for a while and he was on top of me until I turned him over because he was trying to undo my bra. (So there goes the female rushing the relationship theory. Can't really really explain that all in the 300 char. limit my friends) #3 - I can't really blame him... pizza is awesome. (I'm just kidding about this one. Although, pizza is awesome, making out is so much better)
It's actually fairly rare that a man likes the woman to take control in the bedroom. Nothing wrong with that in principle but often it's portrayed as something all men desire because that's currently PC, not because it's common. As result women often feel surprised when they do what they are taught is every man's dream only to find out it's a turn-off.
Uh, what planet are you living on #126? Plenty of men like to be dominated, just like plenty of men like to be in control. Same goes for women. If sex was all the same all the time, it would be pretty boring. My guess is that the OP's crush just didn't want to have sex (making out with someone you barely know doesn't always mean you want to jump straight into sex). Not that he was freaking out at a girl being in charge in bed.
Actually just because he was undoing your bra doesn't mean he wanted to have full out sex. I mean yeah I can't blame you for thinking so based off that action, but some people like to just fool around without full out sex immediately too. It does sound like you were perhaps a bit too aggressive though.
Maybe he's just not that into you
He's gay
He's gay...
Sounds like you were a little too aggressive...Not to mention it also sounds as if HE threw the party if you were in his room...If he was the host wouldn't his friends expect him to be out in the house vs. in a room with the girl he's dating?..Pick a time where you can have more privacy..=/
Maybe he's got a tiny dick or something
You silly goose, you gotta tie him down before you dominate him if you don't know whether he's a runner.
He must've been under some serious pressure. Or he could've just wanted some pizza.