Freak out

By Brooke - 09/08/2009 15:23 - United States

Today, my skin was turning black, and I believed I was reacting to a spider bite. I spent 4 hours waiting in an emergency room in the middle of the night, paid a $100 copay, and missed a night with my boyfriend just to have a doctor wipe dye from my brand new black jeans off with alcohol. FML
I agree, your life sucks 10 939
You deserved it 57 186

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You seriously have never has the dye from your pants get on you before?

Yeah. There is. If you're supposed to be one color and you turn another color, that usually indicates that something isn't right. That's my "I'm speaking to a two-year-old" answer for you, though I suspect you were referring to racism.


You seriously have never has the dye from your pants get on you before?

your ******* stupid. if you were reacting to something, you would KNOW IT. OH MY GOD, MY SKIN IS CHANGING TONE, IM NOT IN PAIN OR ANYTHING, AND REALLY THERE SEEMS TO BE NO DIFFERENCE BUT COLORATION. OH MY GOD. OH MY GOD. I MUST BE DYING or you could calmly wipe it like a normal person.

On 08/09/2009 at 11:23am - health - by Brooke (woman) - United States (Florida) CASE CLOSED.

Exactly 44. And she probably made ppl who actually had an emergency cause she's a stupid dummy. I don't see how I anyone could go for YDI

if you lived in Canada you would get that $100 back ;)

How would the dye from your pants look like a reaction to something?... Your a nimrod

Exactly. And there something WRONG with turning black? Huh?! HUH?!

Yeah. There is. If you're supposed to be one color and you turn another color, that usually indicates that something isn't right. That's my "I'm speaking to a two-year-old" answer for you, though I suspect you were referring to racism.

caramelize 0

Kind of a dumb move, but FYL anyway.

Well maybe the bite was swollen? FYL, that really blows.

fail number 6. and OP, nice job being unclean. i think i'd notice the dye when i took my pants off. YDI

You 'are' an idiot, aren't you? Learn English.

p3rfect_ins4nity 0

stfu! I am goin 2 speke like dis on perpus 2 pis u off! try gr4mer chekin dis bich lmao

Well, sure would've been better for evolution's sakes if it had really been a spider, a giant & lethal one. :)

YDI for wearing pants. Nudists don't have this problem. :-p

So true. Though wtf boyfriend wouldn't just do the boom boom in the hospital?

maybe she wasn't referring to THAT kind of night. maybe they were just going to go on a date or something. but thanks any way for making the world dirty.

FYL for the sole reason that dirty legs are the least of your problems.