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Freaked out

By radioinvader - 28/10/2012 12:29 - Canada - Kingston

Today, my coworker and I were sitting and eating lunch. We noticed a little kid kept staring at us, and every time we looked away he would come a little bit closer. When he was right behind us, I looked and was startled enough to jump. The parents were three tables down, laughing uncontrollably. FML
I agree, your life sucks 25 563
You deserved it 3 761

Same thing different taste

Top comments


brohamas16 7

Hah I'd make my kid do the same thing

He's the human version on ninja cat. I salute his parents!

kat4x1track 5

I'm pretty sure someone would slap the kid if they were scared enough. Haha

Little kids can get away with that kind of stuff :)

looloothing 9

It's like those angels on Dr Who.

This should be on Not Always Right OP MAKE IT HAPPEN

Yea he's coming for you! All the other kids with the pumped up kicks better run better run, faster than my gun :)

SweetieForEva 3

All the other kids with the pumped up kicks better run and run faster than my bullet

1... 2... Their kid's coming for you...

spiritfang11237 16

88- 5. 6. Hear the cracking sticks?

technochik3 12

watcha gonna do when he comes for you?

88- it should be "5,6 grab a crucifix"

No no, IT'S THE WEEPING ANGELS! Doctor Who anyone... :)

The comment you're looking for is down there: vvv (#12) :p

This is not the comment you're looking for...

LiesAndMischief 4

Slenderman's a better reference in my opinion, anyway. :P

And the static grew in strength, filling the whole screen.

radioinvader 9

Good thing I work at a service centre. That kid was long gone by the time I left that day.

they're coming to get you Barbara... Er... OP.

Makes me think of the Paranormal Activity 4 commercial for some reason..

Girreth 7

Not sure if SCP reference or Minecraft reference...

SenselessPattern 12

God damnit, which one of you D-Class personnel let SCP-173 out of containment? You're going to be [REDACTED] immediately.

Quick, kill the parents. Wouldn't want them to raise more kids and teach them to be trolls.

FlyinTurtle 7
BriannaRWatson 13
CheeseTron 15
CheeseTron 15

Nevermind guys. Totally thought that was a "b"

CheeseTron 15

Wait a second! It is a "b"! Sheep! Sheeeeeeeeeeeep!

SenselessPattern 12

If a sheep went "bahaha", I would probably shit a brick.

Really? And all this time I thought they just said "baa." Thank goodness for you to correct me on this, now quick call all child book authors and toy makers so they can make the necessary adjustments.

mhopper 13

Guess nobody enjoys "Red light. Green light. Slenderman" like I do. *shrugs*