Freaked out

By Anonymous - 15/08/2010 05:24 - United States

Today, my mom called me to the laundry room after she saw a dead animal in there. I took a look and agreed we should call animal control. After ten minutes of freaking out, they finally arrived to confirm that the dead animal was the hood to my winter jacket. FML
I agree, your life sucks 9 230
You deserved it 42 236

Same thing different taste

Top comments

FFML_314 11

Why would you call animal control? We country folk would take a shovel, scoop it up and toss it's ass in the woods. Or, you could have a lot of fun and wait until dinner time and put the animal in a tarp, along with some random objects, (just to make it appear to be larger) tie it up and drag it out into your lawn. Make sure you make a lot of noise. Then start digging a grave while screaming "WHY DID YOU MAKE ME DO THIS". Your neighbors will be delighted.


YDI Come on u should have at least checked

alexaluvee 0

hahaha. but seriously this is an fml why...? like how does that make your life suck anymore.?

zackkmann21 0

number 3 is hott and what a huge fail FYL

#9 I'm ganna have to ask you to just shut up that was so dumb it's unbeliveble