By death bed - 13/02/2013 17:20 - United States - Schaumburg
By death bed - 13/02/2013 17:20 - United States - Schaumburg
By snowbunny - 11/01/2011 02:03 - United States
By Anonymous - 16/12/2012 00:46 - United States - Detroit
By Lapis - 20/12/2009 19:42 - United States
By Anonymous - 13/01/2023 18:00
By Anonymous - 21/08/2015 16:07 - United States - San Leandro
By forgetable - 28/04/2019 02:00
By Michael McMike - 11/02/2025 20:00 - Canada - Whitehorse
By Anonymous - 02/12/2010 08:11 - United Kingdom
By Anonymous - 27/02/2012 12:36 - Australia
By Snowzies - 06/01/2010 13:42 - United Kingdom
It doesn't sound like the worst thing in the world, unless you believe in ghosts and all that.
Hopefully someone washed the sheets.
Hopefully they changed the sheets. And hopefully there wasn't a tabby cat named Oscar poking around the room. But hey, at least you had a bed to sleep in, OP.
You're not possessed... Are you ?
I hope they moved the body. Did they move the body? Anyone? Does anyone know if they moved the body? I mean, this story is 100x funnier if the OP was sleeping with the corpse.
For some reason it is very hard for me to imagine any situation in which sleeping with a corpse would be funny, even using black humor standards .
Good call perdix! That movie was hilarious!!
51, try "death becomes her" or "addams family" instead. Death can be funny. However, sleeping with corpse is just too bland to be funny.
It will be dead silent that night
As long as it was natural, it shouldn't be a big deal. Of course, if an axe murderer broke in and chopped off each limb one by one, then I'd be worried.
I would look for a armchair to sleep in or something... I just couldn't do it!
No wonder they call it the graveyard shift
I would have nightmares....