Fresh and not Fit

By Anonymous - 14/06/2011 01:08 - United States

Today, I ran out of breath while mowing the lawn. I was on a riding lawn mower. FML
I agree, your life sucks 11 817
You deserved it 54 648

Same thing different taste

Top comments

"gotta work out my muscles with my steering wheel" -pants-


heatherfeather31 0

WTF how does that even happen??!

torrrrxoh 0

I didn't even know that was physically possible

Baluvagyok 7

must have been really hot outside lol

This could be serious, you should really see a doctor. Could be a lung issue or a red blood cell issue or diabetes or whatever. Really, see a doctor.

808Lol 0

lmfao... that just shows how sad America is getting...

Damn, its funny how this website is to post your FML moments to.. i guess have relief yet the people on here are all bitches about your misfortune. Thanks guys, your totally defeating the purpose of the website. idiots.