The art, the artist

By waltzy777 - 26/04/2009 08:12 - United States

Today, we were having a family get together at my house. Because of this, I had to mow our lawn to make sure it looked nice. I got a little bored and decided it would be funny to cut a rather large penis into my yard. Right when I'd finished, I ran out of gas. My 83 year-old grandmother saw. FML
I agree, your life sucks 13 612
You deserved it 83 055

Same thing different taste

Top comments

HAHA owned, that's not so bad though. She's 83 and has probably been through enough to not care.

how the **** do you do that haha thats some creativity


hootersgirl09 0

hahaha you're an idiot! get a life haha, but it was clever. and why would your grandma care? shes 83, shes definitely seen it all and gone through it all. btw FIRST! hahaha i always thought it was annoying when people do that but finallyyy it feels awesome! :]

Im sure your grandmother has seen PLENTY of penis' in her day.

maniaccy 8

I've seen this fml so many times

HAHA owned, that's not so bad though. She's 83 and has probably been through enough to not care.

Considering she is your grandma, I'm pretty sure she has seen a penis before. YDI though.

how old are you? really, with that level of maturity... but hey, who's saying the grandmother didn't enjoy it? :P

how the **** do you do that haha thats some creativity

ItsOkayImWhite 0

^ exactly I'd be ******* proud of myself if I could do that, and I'd show it off XD

1. Get perm marker and normal white/blackboard marker 2. Draw a penis with the perm marker 3. Disguise it as a cat with the normal marker 4. Wait till class starts :D

lax2319 0

dumbass. you should've made little circles coming out from the top.