Fright Night

By mzgabbster - 24/10/2010 12:21 - United States

Today, I was having the most wonderful bath. The water was steaming, the bubbles were bubbly, and I was reading a really good book. I put my book down to yawn and looked to my right. My gaze was met by the lovely face of my brother's pet tarantula. FML
I agree, your life sucks 38 199
You deserved it 3 376

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Haha. I think he wanted to take a bath too.

skyeyez9 24

Its a perv spider, watching you bathe. It was gonna use it's spider legs to give you a scalp massage and lather the shampoo in your hair.


skyeyez9 24

Its a perv spider, watching you bathe. It was gonna use it's spider legs to give you a scalp massage and lather the shampoo in your hair.

xdeadxradiox 0

Aha! That's a mental image I actually quite enjoyed! Thank you! :D

Quest_ 13

Hahaha, I concur, that mental image is ******* hilarious. And horrifying.

Graawr 7

I would've fainted. =| seriously. D:

wwerulez14 6

I was going to write a comment on how the creeper spider would have raped you if you fainted, but I guess the FML app doesn't have a sense of humor, and wouldn't post it.

granted, people have their own preferences as far as pets go, but i personally hold the belief that "pet" and "tarantula" shouldn't even be in the same sentence. ****, i got pissed when a cricket made its way into my shower. a tarantula? :/ |the kid|

My pet got bit by a tarantula. I kiled that ************.

yep, that thing would be too dead. and for all those people calling it "adorable" and "cute," the damn thing can be cute...far away from me, in its natural habitat and shit. nothing is welcome in my shower except me. |the kid|

Put it in the toilet so wen ur bro is usin it it jumps out at him

Am I weird to think that that is adorable? He just wanted a nice comfy bubble bath too. Is that so wrong.

well, next time you're having a lovely bath (or anything considered peaceful), we'll be sure to conveniently place a tarantula or other similarly ridiculously large spider in the same place, and we'll sit back and watch...or something. |the kid|

Damn straight! That thing can bathe in it's water bowl.

Jenny444_fml 0

Awww I have a pet tarantula lol there cute :) well anyways sucks that your shower was ruined =

In Soviet Russia, it would be a bear, not tarantula.

It'd have to be a pretty good book to allow a bear to sneak up to you though.

I usually HATE Soviet Russia jokes. But that was pretty funny.