**** me, I guess

By Anonymous - This FML is from back in 2016 but it's good stuff - United Kingdom - London

Today, I was fired. Not only was I fired with no warning, not only was my friend the one who fired me, but I was fired from the unpaid volunteering position I took to help her out. FML
I agree, your life sucks 21 734
You deserved it 2 282

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Now you can get a paid job, always look at the positive

luckily it wasn't something paid that you were fired from :D


Well, he/she does seem ungrateful, but technically she did more good than bad. Now you can get a better paid job that suits your likes.

Why? You don't get fired as a volunteer for nothing. It must have been fairly serious. I hope you can learn from this and do better in the future.

Was she told by her boss to fire you or is she the boss and decides who has to go? Because if it was the former, you can't really be mad at her for doing what she was told to do.

Not only did you maybe deserve it, not only did he might have had no choice, you could have been a liability to the business.

Goblin182 26

How bad of a worker do you have to be to get fired from a job that you don't get paid for?

SNR1979 2

No-one gets fired for no reason. Self-pity much?

"definenately"? Jeez. I'm probably the most lenient grammar Nazi ever, but where on Earth did you pull that one from? DEFINITELY a first.

Today you learn not to do any more favors for that particular friend.