**** me, I guess

By Anonymous - This FML is from back in 2016 but it's good stuff - United Kingdom - London

Today, I was fired. Not only was I fired with no warning, not only was my friend the one who fired me, but I was fired from the unpaid volunteering position I took to help her out. FML
I agree, your life sucks 21 731
You deserved it 2 282

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Now you can get a paid job, always look at the positive

luckily it wasn't something paid that you were fired from :D


luckily it wasn't something paid that you were fired from :D

there were a lot of curves in this fml

incoherentrmblr 21

No real loss here, unless it was an internship to help you graduate...

Does anyone else think that this sounds exactly like what happened to Joey Tribbiani from "Friends"; when monica fired him to gain respect from the other waiters

Now you can get a paid job, always look at the positive

OP could already have a paying job. Volunteering somewhere doesn't prevent from also having an actual job.

Just don't help your friend the next time, see if they like it.

Man you won't even have anything to get "payback"

Well at least now you can try and find a better job.

no worries OP, I'm sure you tried your best to help out. Your friend needs to appreciate or let you know kindly (not sure of OP's friend's tone) that your help is not needed.

NickTheBleak 2

Um, OP probably was a terrible worker...

That just seems like a mean way to say thanks for your help

Alright fine, I'll be the one to say what's lingering in the back of everyone's mind... You must've really ****** up!