**** me, I guess

By Anonymous - This FML is from back in 2016 but it's good stuff - United Kingdom - London

Today, I was fired. Not only was I fired with no warning, not only was my friend the one who fired me, but I was fired from the unpaid volunteering position I took to help her out. FML
I agree, your life sucks 21 734
You deserved it 2 282

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Now you can get a paid job, always look at the positive

luckily it wasn't something paid that you were fired from :D


Better to be fired from an unpaid job than a paid one. I would suggest talking to your friend and finding out what went wrong.

scrollingthru 10

It's just the idea that you were so bad at something that even though you were not paid they felt the need to fire you. that sucks lol

hipposteve 21

Your services weren't needed. Chin up! if she wasn't grateful for your help, you don't need her negativity!

leogachi 15

@18 Why are you blaming Op's friend? Just because Op volunteered to help them out? That doesn't automatically mean the friend is in charge of the organization or the person who decides whether or not Op could keep the position.

youdon'tknowme 9

The majority of people here are assuming that any help is good help, which is entirely untrue. It is incredibly hard to find volunteers in this world, so for her to fire you, you were probably placing extra burden upon other staff/volunteers, acting inappropriately, a liability in one way or another, giving the company a bad reputation, costing the company money, etc. etc. Having had to do this to a friend myself at my not-for-profit, I guarantee talks were had but went in one ear and out the other before the firing. So. Think about what you could have done. You probably deserved it.

leogachi 15

@19 Op almost definitely deserved it. Nobody is going to fire a volunteer who is competent.

Really? Because competent people get fired all the time while incompetent people stay.

Well now you can get a real job that pays you. You were only volunteering.

Thought it was bad until I read volunteer ?

Don't see the problem here unless you needed volunteer hours now you get more free time to do whatever or get a PAID job so neither fyl or ydi

ananicosia 28

If it was an unpaid position, they may not need the help anymore. Sometimes having too many people around is just as bad as having too few.