Full blast

By DyingOfShame - This FML is from back in 2010 but it's good stuff - United Kingdom

Today, I got a text from my boyfriend whilst on the train home from spending the weekend with him at his grandparents' house. It said, "Gran says to tell you that the bin beside the toilet is actually for storing spare shampoos and toothbrushes, so could you not put your tampons in it next time?" FML
I agree, your life sucks 37 526
You deserved it 8 578

Same thing different taste

Top comments

xFalzz 0

Why would anyone put toothbrushes next to their toilet? Next to or under the sink is ideal.


haha oh my poor op! that's so embarrassing!

Thanks for sharing that, skittles. I know I feel better now that you said that. Lol jk, ew gross.

And you were supposed to know that...how exactly?

twinny_sc 13

Why would anyone put spare toothbrushes in a bin next to the toilet? Gran is losing it.

WTF!! that's nasty. why would u store spare toothbrushes next to the toilet.?? weird ass people!!!

Tell Granny you're very sorry but you assumed that at her age she wouldn't have teeth so there would be no need for toothbrushes. I'm sure she'll understand.

having a bucket that has shampoo and tooth brushes in it is dumb enough but why the heck would you put it right next to the toilet. that's just really stupid

Tell her it's international tampon sharing day

dynky 3

people who don't have trashcans in their bathrooms are one of the main reasons i switched to using a menstrual cup. no idea how what you're supposed to do otherwise.

erm... you do realise you can throw a tampon in the toilet? Not pads but you can with tampons, as long as it's not a septic toilet.

dynky 3

you risk blocking the plumbing if you do that, and it's really bad for the environment. i'd rather just use my cup which i can rinse off in the sink.

lickmyjock 0

um, wait till you get home to change your pad / tampon? sounds simple to me.

dynky 3

that doesn't really work if you're staying for the weekend...

birds_fml 7

#52 is obviously a man. Even if she WASN'T staying for the weekend, it's not always possible to wait till you get home to change your pad or tampon. Some girls, like me, with really heavy periods, will soak one in several hours, and then they'll start to leak.

spartan_girl 0

you know, I've thought about switching to cups, but never had a good enough reason...but my in-laws don't have a trash can in their bathroom, and I feel like every time I go to visit, I'm on my period... Attention single men/menopause households/etc: If you have female visitors, ever, please put a trash can in your bathroom! You can buy one for like $5, and stick a plastic bag in it when you have a female visitor. It is SO ANNOYING when there isn't somewhere to dispose of used sanitary products...I never want to flush my tampon applicators, in case it messes up the plumbing...I've seen it happen to friends before, and how embarrassing would that be?!? then again, it might make them put a trash can in there...

Oh for piss' sake #47... **** the environment. We are talking a cotton tampon you ass... The entire item, even when used is 100% biodegradable, just like your walnut-size brain.

Hmm... those menstrual cups seem pretty unhygienic to me. Rubber may look smooth to the naked eye, but under a microscope there would be PLENTY of places for bacteria to grow. Unless you can disinfect them before putting them back in, I would think they would be at least as much a risk for TSS as a tampon would be...

52, you need to change your tampon at LEAST every 6 hours. You can't wait 3 days. that's disgusting and extremely dangerous for ones health.

I thought they were made out of silicone? or at least you can buy those type of cups.