Fuzzy memory

By Kreen - This FML is from back in 2012 but it's good stuff

Today, I realized that mixing alcohol with my medication causes me to lose my memory. I went to see my favorite band in concert last night and I can't remember a single song they played. FML
I agree, your life sucks 12 203
You deserved it 44 912

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Well it's pretty obvious alcohol and medication don't mix! It probably said it on the information on the medications package. You fully deserve it

Do they not say on the prescription not to drink with alchohol..Learn to ready buddy...YDI



I bet you had one hell of a night though.

In your own fault, I! Shall! Avenge! You!

lexxiii 17

YDI. Mixing alcohol with medicine can even cause death, I hope you know that.

FriendlyOtaku 10

Do you know how stupid that is? YDI =.=

LikeASombodee 6

How do you remember going then?

Seriously? Medication and alcohol. No red flags?? It says on pretty much every single bottle, even over the counter drugs, that it is a bad thing. You fully deserve it.

doglover100 28

Doesn't it say on the bottle to not take it with alcohol?

Alcohol mixed with medicine can cause death.

InfiniteSecret 20

Seriously it is common knowledge to not mix Alcohol and medication.