Fuzzy memory

By Kreen - This FML is from back in 2012 but it's good stuff

Today, I realized that mixing alcohol with my medication causes me to lose my memory. I went to see my favorite band in concert last night and I can't remember a single song they played. FML
I agree, your life sucks 12 203
You deserved it 44 913

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Well it's pretty obvious alcohol and medication don't mix! It probably said it on the information on the medications package. You fully deserve it

Do they not say on the prescription not to drink with alchohol..Learn to ready buddy...YDI


No duh... Many medications have that effect - always check out the prescription warnings. It's a way of life that if you don't do things the right way, you find out the hard way. And I agree, you're lucky the only consequence was losing most of your memory for the night. Still, sucks that you probably won't be able drink alcohol in the future as often as you'd like, if at all, depending on the medication and timing. FYL for that. Hopefully it's a medicine you're on temporarily; then you can be back to drinking when you want soon enough!

Just because you don't remember it doesn't mean you didn't have a blast!

chocodoombot 0

Wow dumbass... Don't know how to read a pill bottle? Even if you didn't, not mixing meds and alcohol is common sense. You're a moron.

Everyone should know not to mix alcohol and medication. YDI. but I am very sorry. That really sucks. :/

eviannastorm 4

Wow OP u r ******* stupid.... U aren't supposed to mix medication and alcohol together... YDI

What kind of medication is it? I'm curious. If it says "do not drink alcohol while on this medication" on the bottle, you deserve it! It's dangerous to mix medication and alcohol. Be glad that you're safe!